Family Constellations


Understanding Family constellations

A family constellation session aims to help clients gain an insight into the inner image of the connections between themselves, their past and their ancestors. When order is restored and balance is achieved, love and energy will flow naturally between family members across all generations.

Developed by Bert Hellinger, the theory asserts that the family system exists in the morphogenic field, where all family members are connected. Therefore, the way another member feels, their fears, grief or anger may influence the entire family.

According to Family Constellations we need to honor and respect our parents, the country that we were born in, the culture and belief system that we were raised in and the country that we reside in. Our life comes to us through our parents, we consist of 50% father and 50% mother. So, if we reject one of our parents, we are in fact rejecting a part of ourselves. We need to work on integrating everything into a beautiful whole.

Family constellations look at belonging, order and balance. Everyone has the right to belong. Respect the order, respect those that came before you. Balance is give and take. Parents give, children take. Balance between other connections is achieved through energy exchange. 

The key to healing is processing everything that we or our family soul weren’t able to do before. It is also helpful to look at generational trauma and see if there are any patterns replaying. Family constellations teach us to acknowledge, accept and agree.

  • Acknowledge – recognise what happened.
  • Accept – it’s a fact, it happened, it’s done. 
  • Agree – say yes. Say yes to living your fate, say yes to your life. It is our choice to agree to life and take responsibility for it and to move forward.

Sessions are offered as one-to-one Private session or as a Group session.

Tree Green

Self Holistic Healing

Holistic coaching for spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

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