Soul Intent Reading


Understanding soul INTENT Readings

Our perception of the world is framed by our beliefs and controlled by our evolutionary defense mechanisms. That’s why different people think, feel and act differently in that exact same situation. We all have a story, a struggle, regrets, or a challenge that we are trying to overcome. My aim is to help you to recognise, understand and overcome your difficulties. A Soul Intent Reading helps you to develop a better understanding of yourself. By bringing your unconscious and subconscious to light, you will automatically sense a feeling of understanding and relief. This clarity enables you to find balance and make better decisions.

In a similar way to the Rorschach inkblot technique, one of the most well-known psycho-diagnostic personality tests, colours and symbols can be extremely powerful activators of meaning and emotion. What do you think of when you see, for example, a white dove, a red fire or a bright blue sky? How do these make you feel? Everyone’s thoughts and emotions are unique to them and that’s what makes a Soul Intent Reading so enlightening.  A Soul Intent Reading is about you and about what you need to know right now. It reveals your unconscious and allows a healing shift to take place, so that consciously you can feel whole.

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the mandala

A mandala is essentially a complex geometric design that is usually circular in its form. It is a symbolic diagram that has been used in the performance of sacred rites and as an instrument of meditation and spiritual guidance for thousands of years. Mandalas have been used in psychoanalysis and therapy as an effective tool for personal growth and stress relief. Renowned psychologist Carl Jung studied mandalas as a window to the subconscious and believed the creation of these images encouraged focus and personal growth in patients. Mandala drawing has been shown to have functions of relieving psychological pressure, regulating unhealthy emotions of college students, and improving the mental health of participants in existing studies.

“In the products of the unconscious we discover mandala symbols, that is, circular and quaternity figures which express wholeness, and whenever we wish to express wholeness, we employ just such figures.” –  Carl Jung

More information

Soul Intent Reading

A Soul Intent Reading will help you to understand your current reality. By understanding your subconscious, you will gain clarity and understanding of your situation. This enables you to consciously make changes in your life and leave you feeling empowered and liberated.

We use psychoanalytical tools such as drawing analysis, and symbol and colour associations. These tools are scientific, and evidence based. Based on the research of Carl Jung’s study of mandalas, two or more mandalas are drawn and then used to tell your story. Our subconscious thoughts are revealed in these pictures without interference of the conscious mind. There are also more than 100 symbol and colour cards to choose from to guide you through the process.  A Soul Intent Reading is a private, 2 hour, one-to-one session. Each session offers you a choice of Deep Soul Analysis, Family Analysis or Work Analysis.

Soul Intent Readings are available both in-person and online.

Self Holistic Healing

Holistic coaching for spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

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