self holistic healing

Restoring Balance

Spiritual Wellness

Embark on a journey towards wellness guided by compassion and expertise. Discover the transformative power of empathetic care and evidence-based tools in overcoming challenges. Explore a holistic approach to spiritual and emotional health with a seasoned coach, dedicated to your well-being.

About Us

Claire Friedenthal

Self Holistic Healing is the culmination of my own personal journey of self-discovery and self-actualization. This is a life journey that has led me through traditional therapies (BA Psychology, Neurolinguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness), alternative therapies (Reflexology, Body tapping) and spiritual therapies (Meditation, Family constellations, Reiki). I do not provide psychotherapy in a traditional medical sense, instead I aim to guide you on your own self enlightenment journey with the help of tools and therapies that I have discovered and studied.

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Self holistic healing

There was a moment before you were born when you chose the conditions of the life you’re living right now. When you plotted out these exact moments along the timeline of your life.

Our higher self knows the path of our destiny, but God has given us free will, so it’s only when we say yes to our soul’s path that we are saying yes to our destiny.

Life with its fate is the one that we were born into with our ego or personality that fights to direct and protect us.

It takes faith and courage to follow our destined life, the one that is soul infused. My aim is to empower you to consciously live your best life, with awareness and mindfulness.

Our Work

We provide a range of life coaching and mental wellbeing therapies aimed at creating a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Our primarily service is what we call a Soul Intent Reading, where we work with clients to delve into their subconscious using colours, symbols and mandala drawings.

I believe that only God knows the future and that only God can heal you. But you can change your life by understanding your subconscious thoughts and knowing what is causing them. You have a choice in how you react to situations and with awareness it is easier to do so in a loving way to yourself and others.

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Soul Intent Reading: access your subconcious mind to better understand yourself and your situation, and raise your vibrations in a single 2 hour session.
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Soul Work: provides free support, guidance and daily inspiration on your spiritual journey to reach your higher self.
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Art Therapy: creative expression helps you to process your emotions and heal your soul.
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Family Constellations: become aware of, and free yourself from, unconscious family dynamics and how these influence your relationships, health and success.
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Self Transformation: take control of your life with tools that you can consciously use to change your mindset, which will ultimately change your life.

What People Says About Us

My Soul Intent Reading was truly one of the most therapeutic and eye-opening experiences of my life. It was a profound awakening! Everything was so accurate, it was almost comical, in a good way! It helped me to see things clearly and I feel confident to face my future.
Pexels Jill Wellington 1638660 40192
My Soul Intent Reading was heart opening! I had a themed soul reading about certain steps I am about to take in my life. The reading was very accurate and to the point. I am already familiar with Claire’s work, and I keep coming back for more.
Pexels Gabrielacheloni 2191123
My Soul Intent Reading was so unexpectedly comprehensive. It gave me complete understanding of my life and my personal situation. It covered my strengths, explained my obstacles, and showed me my spiritual path.It was an amazing experience!
Pexels Arthurbrognoli 2342547

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Self Holistic Healing

Holistic coaching for spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

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